Sammamish Beach Club

Beach Club

Club Meeting (10/30/08)

Attending: 21 voting households, and 3 proxies.

7:00 Welcome:  snacks and drinks

7:15 Perry introduction and agenda

  • Financial/Dues
  • City of Bellevue Right-of-Way Update
  • Review of SBC Rules
  • Process for Compromise of Access Code
  • Issuing Access Codes to New Neighbors
  • General Discussion/Open Floor
  • Combing Homeowner Organizations into One Organization

7:20 Financial discussion

  • Maintenance is going well and the proposed ongoing maintenance is Not to Exceed (NTE) $2200 without prior approval

o   Feedback from the general membership is “keep it up” and no objections were raised.

  • Extra expenses incurred this year were:

o   Sand  ($864)

o   Pathway clean up and removal of rotten timbers ($270)

o   Bathroom exterior – the whole building was pressure washed and repainted and the Beach Club only paid for the bathroom work ($850)

o   Labor to improve safety and remove retaining walls ($1080)

o   Labor to improve safety of retaining walls ($972)

  • Other line items include

o   $3617 Insurance Raised from $500K to $1M liability per last membership  meeting

o   $250 Summer BBQ

o   $100 Garbage

o   $ 400 Utilities

o   $ 500 Housekeeping Supplies

o   $200 Communications/Postage

o   Totals $5067

  • Looked at possible other safety improvements

o   Patio repairs inclusive of uneven concrete

o   Tree removal and trimming

o   Repair retaining wall and steps from tunnel to path

o   Bathroom remodel

o   Seattle Concrete was recommended for a bid

  • Choices – continue to spend or cut back?

o   Scenario 1 – Maintain and Improve and spend at current rate

  • Requires dues to $172.45@ 80 households

o   Scenario 2 – Maintain Strategy w/Expenses + 30% Contingency

  • Dues  required $73.37
  • Would be covered under currently approved dues starting next year of $85

o   Other options for collecting needed expenses Scenario 3 – Staggered dues

  • 20 homes@ $200
  • 30 homes@$150
  • 60 homes@85
  • 20 homes@60 (Senior Rate for 65 and older)
  • Call for vote:  Impose 8%  interest on past dues (greater than 1 year past due)

o   Grace period until May 1st of 09

o   Passed unanimously – Approved

  • Action:  Have another meeting and make sure everyone knows the vote will include making a financial decision regarding due/expense

o   We have 2 options

  • Collect the approved dues for FY09 of $85 and propose special assessment to cover safety-related repairs
  • Raise dues to cover expenses and proposed improvements at the current run rate of spending

o   One option proposed would allow seniors (over 65) to defer dues increases greater than the existing $85 interest free until the sale of the house

  • Process for Compromise of Access Code
  • Issuing Access Codes to New Neighbors
  • General Discussion/Open Floor
  • Combing Homeowner Organizations into One Organization

Combining the CCRs for the three communities. A discussion pursued on the pros and cons of combining the three, self-managed neighborhoods into one. It was concluded that additional information regarding the costs, administration, legal implications, implementation mechanics and do ability should be explored. To do this it was suggested that representatives / President’s of the three organizations meet to create a document that would work as the basis for the creation of a combined CC&R.