Sammamish Beach Club

Beach Club

Annual Meeting (5/17/10)

The meeting was called to order by President, Perry England, after refreshments were served. There were 21 homes represented and 2 proxies.

Van announced that his daughter, Julia, was available this evening to provide code updates or change access codes. Roger Childs was thanked for all of the work that he provided for our Club, and members are encouraged to go see what has been done. A PowerPoint presentation to show the improvements was shown and a list provided of all the things that Roger accomplished.

All members unanimously approved the return of all current Board members for the 2010 season: Perry England, Herve LeBrec, John Raffetto, Merrilee George, Michael Degooyer, Van Lanning and Cathy Relyea and added Tom Horton to replace Lynann Bradbury.

Merrilee reviewed the 2009 Financial Statement which is attached. The dues were paid on 112 homes out of 135. It was noted that the warm weather and purchases of homes may have enticed people to pay, plus having the access code meant that people had to pay to use the Beach Club. Others, hopefully, just love having the Beach Club!

Van reiterated that the Board will reassess the $140 dues amount at the end of the 2010 fiscal year as approved by membership in 2008. The dues analysis will consider any planned safety projects and improvements to determine next year’s assessment at that time.

Van also mentioned that with the access codes, we are able to cancel codes for proven vandalism and suspend codes for non-payment of dues. June 1st will be the deadline for 2010 dues to be paid before suspension of codes.

Perry pointed out that the 2nd fence has been removed, the area at the entrance cleaned up, and with the addition of shelves in the bathhouse, the Rubbermaid shed will be removed to clean up the patio area. The oars, paddles, lifejackets and other essential items will be secured in the locked and coded bathhouse.

Additional sand will be purchased and spread from the maintenance budget. The tunnel has been painted to remove the graffiti and the Board requests that anyone who sees graffiti get the brush and can of paint and cover the soiled area immediately.

2010 Improvements

In reviewing the PowerPoint, John showed some of the repairs and improvements that could be considered which follow our priority of repair and beautification:
• Trim/thin trees that block sunlight on the south by the water
• Remove/replace concrete picnic table on patio
• Remove cement obstruction on floor in tunnel for safety
• Re-stain deck rails
• Remove/trim trees by entrance gate
• Add plants outside of gate to beautify entrance and cover chain link fence
• Remove old playground area and replace with a gazebo
• Add boats
• Rope off swimming area for safety
• Purchase swim platform
• Purchase additional seating – metal bench and more chairs

The boat rack has one space available for rental. Other than that, Beach Club water craft will fill the storage rack. Everyone is asked to PLEASE PUT THE BOATS BACK AFTER USE!!! It has been observed that they have been pulled up and left too close to the waterline and could possibly float away. A sign will be purchased to remind everyone to “Please Re-rack Your Boat”. It was decided that to move the boat rack back further away from the beach would compound the problem of people returning the boats to the rack.

Discussion was held and the members voted to approve:
• Rope off swimming area
• 2-man kayak purchase
• Remove concrete floor obstruction at West end of tunnel
• Remove or re-do concrete table (Roger will help/do)
• Trim/thin trees by water that block sunlight
• Re-stain deck rails
• Purchase swim platform to help define safe swim area

The motion was made and passed to allow the Board to spend up to $2500 for the best available option on a swim platform that meets our requirements. The Board agreed to consider the life cycle and sustainability impacts of the various options and report back to Membership with recommendation. Other improvement items that will be considered if there is enough money from dues are: additional “park-grade” outdoor furniture, trim trees by the entrance and replace the kids play area with a gazebo.

The Summer Barbecue, which has been a success, will be scheduled in June. All friends and family are invited to join us for this event. A date and official invitation will be coming soon!

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Merrilee George