Sammamish Beach Club

Beach Club

Annual Meeting (5/20/09)

·          7:20 PM Welcome & Introductions

·          Board Member Nominations and Elections

o   Perry

o   Merrilee

o   Cathy

o   Herve

o   Mike

o   John

o   Van

o   Lynann – needs to reduce time to board

o   Current board passed unanimously with none opposed

·          Repairs and Improvements

o   Painting of tunnel – Done.  Labor donated by Board members.

o   Trimming of tress and clean-up of pathway – Done.

o   Electronic lock repair – May not be needed because the #5 is working again.

o   Trip hazard on concrete patio – Based on income.

§         Call Roger and get mixer that was volunteered (Bob Milam –

§         Get volunteers

o   Replacement of retaining wall and steps east of the tunnel – Based on income – #1 priority.

§  Comment made regarding the west side of tunnel as well.  This is deferred as not as critical for safety.

§  Suggestion made to remove retaining wall and turn into slope

o   Replacement of retaining wall west of bathroom – Based on income.

o   Conversion of one toilet room to an organized storage room to reduce maintenance cost and eliminate the damaged shed – Discussion item.

§  Motion to reduce from 2 to 1 bathroom and convert to storage

§  Pass with 2 nays

o   Lawn furniture – Discussion item.

§  Approved to spend up to $300

§  One discussion on covering concrete table

o   Proposition to move boat rack to better location

1.      Passed unanimously with no nays

Volunteers will be asked to help remove cement, move boats and storage rack



o   2008 Forecasted Expenses (May 2008-April 2009) = $13,796.19

o   2008 Actual Expenses (May 2008-April 2009) = $14,173.76

o   2008 Dues Collected = $8,750.00                   (Represents 112 of 135 Eligible Homes)

o   2008 Other Income = $250.57                        (Boat Storage & Interest)

o   Current banking balances

§  Checking = $468.73

§  Savings = $1,944.86

o   2009 Forecasted Income = $16,380.00          (Based on 117 properties paying $140)

o   2009 Forecasted Expenses (May 2009-April 2010) = $16,130.30

o   Number of homes with only 1 year in past dues = 4 or $240.00 in delinquencies

o   Number of homes with more than 1 year in past dues = 18 or $13,490.00 in delinquencies

o   Anticipated delinquency account at end of fiscal year  = $16,000.00

o   Dues are payable by June 1, 2009.  If not paid by June 15, 2009 access will be temporarily suspended until dues are paid.

§  Please let your friends and neighbors know that we are not creating an exclusive resort, rather we are taking care of safety issues around construction that is ~40 years old.

·          Question set:  regarding dues that are not current; actions with homeowners that are unpaid; factors involved with revenue forecasting; forecasting 115 homes is too optimistic and we need to ignore do not contact notices; discussion on costs and processes in filing liens and can costs associated be passed on to homeowners not current with dues.

·          Summer Barbecue

o   Date:  Saturday, June 20, 2009

o   Time:  4:00pm – 9:00pm

o   Food and Drink Provided

o   Friends and Beach Club Neighbors Welcomed

o   RSVP to Merrilee George by Monday, June 15, 2009

§  Van will be there 😉

§  No volunteers came forward to help Perry

Open Discussion

o   Can we have solar lights?  Challenging due to vandalism possibilities

o   Update on city driveway:  3 concepts; plans are approved; delays due to budget at city

o   Sammamish Parkway update:  everyone has survey in mailbox – please respond and attend meeting on June 10th.  Project Manager coming to June 4th Sammamish Heights meeting.  Options are being discussed to bury utility lines when the Sammamish Parkway improvements come in order to increase the aesthetics of the neighborhood.

o   Cathy mentioned changing the lock on Monday after this weekend

·          28 homes and 6 proxies were represented – well over the quorum

·          After hours discussion:  can we get a sign to keep dogs on a leash and not let them run loose when people are on the beach?  Can we send a reminder?