Sammamish Beach Club

Beach Club

Annual Meeting (5/20/14)

The Annual Meeting was called to order by President, Perry England.  15 homes were represented; 12 proxies.

Denice Malone was thanked for the PowerPoint presentation.

Financial Statement

Merrilee gave the financial report which showed a balance of $1162.85, after $3000 was transferred to the cash reserve fund.  It is the intent of the Board to build up this fund to cover operating expenses for a year.  The dues have been set at $130 for 2014. 

Elections:  Perry stated that 7 Board members have agreed to return and the nomination for Jody Kennett’s replacement is Randy Farrow.  All were elected unanimously.
Pres. – Perry England             
V.P.  – John Raffetto      
Sec./Treas. – Merrilee George           
Tom Horton – Facilities            
Herve LeBrec                                
Denice Malone 
Bob Milam                        
Randy Farrow   

Improvements & Maintenance

Perry said that the Board has been extremely pleased with all of the work that Roger Childs has done for us.  Improvements include landscaping and installing Insta-Hot under the sink and repairs/maintenance included trimming the walkway, bark, exterior hole patched and painted on the building, pressure washing, installing wire fencing above the neighbor’s fence to prevent further trespassing, general repairs for frozen pipes and purchasing a heater to combat freezing.  The storage shed has been cleaned up, the swim platform anchor has been improved and reinforced, more pegs will be installed in the storage room and the key rack in the storage room will be moved to accommodate all keys in one place.  Other items being accomplished include: planter boxes for the south border, purchase 2 paddle boards, which will be anchored on a wall rack, building a fire pit with seating and additional landscaping.

The gate lock has been replaced after numerous battery shortages, and the bathroom lock is being replaced.  If the problem continues, the locks will be replaced with an electrical lock or possibly a solar lock system.

Herve reported for the Board that he has been working with Gentle Ben’s Tree Service to remove four trees that are causing extensive damage to the neighbor’s roof and foundation.  They will file for the necessary permits with the City of Bellevue.  It was voted unanimously to approve the expenditure for the tree removal.  Scott Rennie has agreed to donate $1000.

Perry reported that he received a request from the City of Bellevue for permission to install an emergency transfer switch box by digging a trench for conduit running through the tunnel and down the hillside.  This would be used in case of a power outage.  They will pay us $900 for the easement, and the work will be done in late September with minimal impact to us. 

The Annual Barbecue will be held on Sunday, June 29 at 4:00 pm.  All members are invited.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Merrilee George, Recording Secretary