Sammamish Beach Club

Beach Club

Board Meeting (4/18/13)

The Sammamish Beach Club Board Meeting was called to order by President, Perry England.  6 members present; 1 absent; 1 proxy.

Perry reviewed the completed projects list which will be presented at the Annual Meeting, along with a list of Potential Projects planned.  He said that the lock is back on the gate after being repaired.

Merrilee reviewed the financial statement, and it was suggested that certain items be categorized under on-going yearly expenses and that the category of Maintenance/Repairs be divided into Improvements and General Maintenance.  She reviewed that there were 111 properties paid currently for 2012, 2 for 2011, a late fee was collected on 10 properties, 5 properties did not pay the current dues and 19 properties are delinquent for more than 2 years.

It was discussed that the renters to the south are piling up debris along the property boundary line.  It was suggested that we get planters and place them on the border to beautify the area and establish boundaries.  This will be added to the Potential Projects list.  The property owner may have to be contacted.

Swim platform: a new anchor is needed and a new chain or rope needs to be installed.  We will also have to replace the carpeting on top.  Tom said he has the stainless steel bolts for the ladder.

Dues: The Board unanimously agreed that it is our goal to add to the Cash Reserve Fund each year until the total is $10,000 to be able to cover annual expenses.  The dues for 2013 are set at $130.

Annual Meeting:  The Annual meeting will be held on May 21, 2013 at the home of Anne Hilling 2627 – 171st Ave. SE at 7:00 pm.  Each Board member will bring a bottle of wine to contribute.  Anne has a video screen so that we can show a PowerPoint presentation of the Beach Club.  She will be asked to take the photos.

All members agreed to return to the Board except Van who is unable to continue on the Board.  A replacement will be found for him and presented at the Annual Meeting.

The hillside stabilization project: Tom reported that he has tried repeatedly to contact the project manager of the W. Lk. Samm. Pkwy Project unsuccessfully.  We want to know what they plan to do about the instability of the hillside beside our pathway.  He will continue trying to get through.

Potential Projects: The list includes –
Property line beautification/planters for border
Plantings in front of fence & further landscaping
Trim trees
Purchase 2-person kayaks
Purchase paddle boards
Fire pit with surrounding benches
Improve storage room
Instant hot water
Platform improvements
Hillside stabilization
A budget of $1500 was suggested to trim the trees in conjunction with the neighbors.
Herve will check out the boat storage space to see if we should sell some of the water craft
Tom agreed to take over the lock maintenance duty for Van, who is retiring from the Board.
Respectfully submitted,
Merrilee George