Sammamish Beach Club

Beach Club

Board Meeting (4/2/20)

The meeting was called to order by President, Perry England. 11 members present: John Raffetto, Michael Hensel, Cathy Relyea, Orien Kuang, David Ciccanti, Ann Lanning, Emad Elwany, Ariane Ogier, and Vibhor Bhatt. Emeritus Board Member Merrilee George also attended. Secretary confirmed quorum was met.

President Perry England informed the board that his property has closed escrow and transition plan to fill his role is underway. John said he would be willing to fill the role for one year. Ann motioned to approve John Raffetto as President and Emad seconded the motion. A vote by the board passed unanimously. Secretary, Ann Lanning, also informed the board that she will be resigning effective May 1, 2024, due to family obligations. The Vice-President and Secretary positions need to be filled and all board members are asked to present nominations prior to annual meeting.

David Ciccanti presented the Treasurer’s Report which included an overview of the financial statement for May 1, 2023 through April 1, 2024. An updated report will be prepared to include the month of April and subsequently presented to the membership at the annual meeting on May 21, 2024. Collection of past dues was received from 2 members which amounted to $6,225. This takes our delinquent accounts down from 13 to 11. Approximately $31,785 is owed from these delinquent accounts. We have 134 homes in our membership. A correction was noted from the previous financial statement regarding the amount of cash reserves and updated. David continued with an overview of how we all need to help to identify homes that are listed for sale. In addition, we especially need to pay attention to the delinquent properties and contact the treasurer when noting activity. A conversation followed regarding whether the cash reserves could be put into short-term CDs. Vibhor motioned to proceed with this suggestion and David seconded the motion. A vote by the board passed unanimously. Dues were set at $175 at previous board meeting, and Cathy moved to set the 2024 budget at $19,000, Vibhor seconded the motion and a vote by the board passed unanimously.

A discussion about adapting an integrated system for keeping records followed. David explained his system for contacting real estate agents/escrow companies to clear titles on homes that are for sale. Orien agreed to act as the new neighbor “welcome” representative that would include delivering the beach waiver form to new homeowners. After receiving the signed waiver forms, it was noted that Vibhor is still maintaining and distributing the beach codes to new owners. John asked to establish an apprentice to learn and be a backup for Vibhor for beach electronic lock system. Cathy agreed to set up a database/spreadsheet/folder system via Google Docs for our new integrated record keeping system, and send notices of board meetings, annual meetings, and barbecue.

The board continued discussion to fill role of Facilities Manager/Overseer to manage a team of workers who will maintain property (Security Overseer, Landscaping, Cleaning). Hubert and Ariane Ogier agreed to fill the role of Facilities Manager.

Items accomplished last year included the purchase of 2 paddleboards and life vests. Also, the electronic lock system was upgraded. Items to be accomplished in 2024 include purchasing a 4-person paddleboat, a 2-person kayak, and a single kayak to replace old watercraft. Cathy motioned to approve $3,000 for new watercraft and Vibhor seconded the motion. A vote by the board in favor passed unanimously.

The Annual Beach Club Meeting will be Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 7 pm at the Beach Club. Michael’s home will serve as backup in case of rain. People will need to bring chairs. Notice of annual meeting will go out with dues notice. The Annual Beach Club Barbecue will be on Sunday, July 14 at 4 pm. A suggestion was made to change it to a potluck-style. Board members liked the idea, and it was approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Lanning
