Sammamish Beach Club

Beach Club

Board Meeting (4/22/10)

The meeting was called to order by President, Perry England.
Attending: Michael DeGooyer, Herve LeBrec, Cathy Relyea, Merrilee George, John Raffetto. Van Lanning sent his proxy.

Merrilee reviewed the expenditures for 2009 – $14,379.37, which included: Barbecue event $282.84; Clean up/security $125.00; Filing Fee $10.00; Garbage Collection $46.92 Maintenance – yard work $2570.06; Maintenance – repairs $6571.00; Key Code Access $291.30; Misc. $389.75; Utilities $455.50; Insurance $3637.00. Dues collected for 2009 amounted to: $17.435.00 (112 properties paid out of 135). We currently have a balance of $3785.41 in checking and $1944.97 in savings. Dues will again be $140.00 for one more year as voted on by the membership.

Merrilee passed around the list of improvement projects that were accomplished by Roger Childs. They are: recondition patio $721.00; install new retaining wall next to walkway $617.00; install new retaining wall next to neighbor’s fence $506.00; repair bench $50.00; repair toilets $108.00; rebuild steps & ramp at west end of tunnel $995.00; install shelves in restrooms $728.00; install new steps lakeside of blvd., install new path, install steps to street $2251.00; clean walkways & plantings $595.00.

It was recommended to prioritize projects, with the building up of the savings account to cover liability insurance and necessary maintenance expenditures as a top priority.

Herve reported that he had obtained bids for tree trimming/removal of various trees on the property to provide more sunlight and a cleaner area. Gentle Ben’s was the lowest bidder, and this will be considered on the priority list of projects to be accomplished in 2010. We will work with the neighbors to possibly share the costs.

Landscaping will be a priority, along with sand replacement and wood chips replacement for the play area. Discussion will be held at the Annual Meeting as to whether to keep the play area equipment or to remove it and replace it with possibly a gazebo.

John will present the proposal of a floating dock at the Annual Meeting. This will also be used to define our swimming area for members. Van will be asked to remove the lines and sink the anchor. John will also check into purchasing a 2-man kayak to be added to our inventory of water craft. At the present time we have a row boat, kayak & canoe.

It was reported that our key code access has been repaired and is working very well. Julia Lanning has been hired to keep the updates current. Cathy will check into getting the software set up for access through an FTP so that several people will to be able to use their laptops at the gate for input.

Security inspections and daily clean up was extremely helpful last year and will be continued again this year. We’ve had Marine LeBrec checking on a weekly basis during the winter months and will boost that up to daily once school is out.

Projects that would be on our wish list include:

  • Removal/trimming of trees close to water $1300
  • Removal/trimming of tree by entrance gate $1000
  • Remove concrete obstruction on floor in tunnel $300
  • Take out cement slab “table” on patio, fill hole and replace with another table $750
  • Re-stain deck rails $250
  • Put plants outside of gate to beautify entrance and cover fence $1000
  • Get 6 additional seats to accommodate more people including a metal bench $500
  • Further trimming of trees $2000

It was voted and passed to charge an administrative fee of 20% of the amount due on all previous overdue amounts owing as of May 1, 2010 to be collected at the time of sale of the membership property.

Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting with all current Board members agreeing to serve another year. One position remains to be filled due to the resignation of Lynann Bradbury.

The Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, May 17, 2010 at Perry’s house at 7:00 pm.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Merrilee George