Sammamish Beach Club

Beach Club

Board Meeting (5/27/08)

Present: Perry England, Van Lanning, John Raffetto and Merrilee George with proxies from Michael DeGooyer, Carol Milam and Cathy Relyea. Absent: Cheryl Hubbell

The City of Bellevue Utilities Department was represented by Bill Strange and Tony Marcum to explain that the right of way easement agreement to the pump station with Mr. Bortko had expired last December, and they were pursuing the possibility of direct access through our property with a driveway. It was agreed that we will send a letter expressing interest in a preliminary study of installing a driveway. We would like to have direct access for medical emergencies, maintenance purposes and short term parking to load or unload.

Financial – Merrilee went over the financial statement to review the amount received for the 2007 season dues ($5395) versus expenditures for the year ($5418.90). The total expenses for the access key code was $4436.59 which was covered by $2530 in past dues collected and from savings. It had previously been voted on by the Board by email that we would set the 2008 dues at $60.00.

Electronic Lock Status – Van will provide Perry with a copy of the Access program for gate codes, and he will show all of us how to retrieve the info on the gate. All members’ use of their code can be monitored. A grace period will be given for one week after June 4 before access codes will be deleted for non-payment of current dues.

Maintenance –

Yard Service: It was decided that we will hire a professional yard service for weekly clean up and beach maintenance for the months of April through October and then once a month for the winter months. Included in this service will be purchase of bathroom supplies and clean up of bathrooms. Perry will look into hiring someone. He also has a mower and weed eater he would donate to the Beach Club. Van and John may also have possible prospects.

Items for Discussion

Concrete deck: Broken cement – paint?
Steps to tunnel: Perry has wood to reinforce slanting timbers
Bathroom toilet: John will take care of the leak
Boat storage: Van will check the area. Merrilee will ask Joe Mraz to clean his boat off.
Tunnel: The graffiti will be washed off
Floating dock: submerged and will have to be raised
Sand: The sand left in front of the gate for the neighbor to use will be spread on our beach by the maintenance crew
Perry, Van and John will go down on Sunday to inspect the grounds before the annual meeting to determine what else needs to be done

John will put up sandwich board signs to remind people of the meeting on June 4th. Merrilee will send a list of properties that are delinquent with their dues with the minutes of the annual meeting so that more people are aware of what dues are owing. It will be listed by address instead of owner.

A gentle reminder will be given to dog owners who bring their dogs to the beach – clean up the doggie doo of your pet at all times and be courteous about having your dog chase sticks and running “through” children playing on the beach. A container for plastic bags will be provided for dog owners as is provided in the parks.

Special Events –
The Summer Barbecue will be June 14th 1-4 pm. A committee will be formed at the annual meeting to make arrangements and provide food and beverages.

Respectfully submitted,
Merrilee George
Treasurer – Secretary

Additional item voted on and approved by email on 6/2/08: A load of wood will be delivered in coordination with using Mr. Bortko’s driveway for clean-up related items.