Sammamish Beach Club

Beach Club

Board Meeting (4/28/14)

The meeting was called to order by President, Perry England.  Herve LeBrec, Tom Horton, Bob Milam, Denise Malone and Merrilee George were present; John Raffetto and Jody Kennett were absent.

Perry asked Merrilee to review the Financial Statement and compared it to the past two years.  Our ending balance is $4162.85 in checking, and the cash fund reserve is $4945.97, which is to be built up to cover operating expenses for a year.  Improvements included landscaping and installing Insta-Hot under the sink, and repairs/maintenance included trimming walkway, bark, dump fee, fix exterior holes and paint, pressure wash, install wire fencing above neighbor’s fence to prevent trespassing, general repairs for frozen pipes and purchase heater to combat freezing.

Tom was asked to give a report on the gate/bathroom locks which have failed.  The gate lock was completely replaced last fall, and he is getting the bathroom lock replaced soon.  Although neither lock was under warranty, Bonafide Lock & Safe replaced both locks at no charge.  Perry asked Tom to get an estimate for electric-powered locks since we now have power to the gate and to check on solar-powered locks as an alternative.

Herve gave a report on the proposal to remove 2 fir and 2 cedar trees for sunlight improvement and for liability purposes.  Besides the danger of a leaning tree, the close proximity of the trees to the neighbor’s house is causing extensive damage to the neighbor’s roof.  Herve has obtained a reasonable bid from Gentle Ben Tree Service for $2895 plus costs of permits and extra insurance.  Gentle Ben will file for the necessary permits with the City of Bellevue.  It was decided that we would probably be required to have a plan for similar plantings, so Roger will be asked to work up a landscaping plan.   Scott Rennie has agreed to donate $1000 for the improvement of his view.

It was moved and seconded to contact Gentle Ben to proceed with the permit process and any other necessary paperwork in preparation of the tree removal.  Motion passed.  The Board will ask for approval of the expenditure of removing the trees at the annual meeting.

Perry reported that he had been contacted by the City of Bellevue for permission to install wiring through a trench from the roadway through our property so that a generator can be set up at the pump station in case of a power outage.  They will pay us $900 for the easement, and the work will be done in late September – early October 2014.  The tunnel will be closed for about 2 weeks, with access only from the roadway.  The motion passed to authorize Perry to negotiate with the city for access to the property for their easement and to deal with any additional needs.

Bob reported that he had totally improved and reinforced the anchors for the swim platform.

Roger will be contacted to create a screen at the water’s edge to the south by installing planter pots. 

It was unanimously agreed that we would set the 2014 dues at $130 to continue to build our reserves. 
The Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 20, at 7:00 pm at Perry’s (2645 -171st SE).  Merrilee will get the notice out to all members.  The Annual Barbecue will be held on June 29, 2014.

Merrilee reported that Jody Kennett has resigned from the Board and will need to be replaced.  All other Board members agreed to return.  Randy Farrow will be asked if he would consider being on the Board.

It was suggested that the Board meet on May 9 at 6:00 pm at the Beach Club to go over items accomplished and items that need to be done.  Roger will be asked to attend.  The boat storage/rental space situation will be considered.

Suggested items were: move the boat storage rack, sell the rowboat, remove the storage shed, landscape, beautify south shoreline, purchase paddle boards, purchase another kayak and put in a built-in fire pit with seating around it.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Merrilee George
Recording Secretary