Sammamish Beach Club

Beach Club

Board Meeting (7/23/08)

In attendance: Perry England, Van Lanning, John Raffetto, Michael DeGooyer and Merrilee George

Discussion was held regarding the vandalism at the Beach Club. Access numbers were obtained due to the carelessness of owners’ children passing their access codes to others. Those owners will be notified and held responsible for the damage done to the Beach Club. Neighbors and those seeing damaging actions are encouraged to call the police immediately. We will have zero tolerance of vandalism and/or after dark activities at the Beach Club. The access code computer system was reviewed; several access codes were deleted and some changed.

Perry stated that he has been working closely with the police to get them to patrol the area on a regular basis.

Tunnel graffiti: The graffiti will be removed.

Electronic surveillance: A sign will be posted on the gate announcing electronic surveillance.

Signs: The signs on the inside fence will be moved to the outside gate for better visibility.

A kayak has been donated to the Club.

Mooring ball: The mooring ball will be set again with the anchor.

Van reported that he had replaced the lock on the shed door and reset the access code lock on the bathroom door – both were vandalized.

Shed doors: The damaged shed doors will have to be replaced.

It was discussed that we might leave the sheds open and store some things inside the bathroom area.

The City of Bellevue will be contacted to see if they will paint the outside of the building. If not, Van will have his daughter paint a mural.

Perry reported that the maintenance crew will be taking out the rotten railroad ties and removing the plants blocking the view to the water from the patio. They will also be spreading the sand on the beach area.

Van is organizing a work party to replace the rotten steps.